About Us
Why Choose an Independent Funeral Director?
Part of the Community
The Independent funeral profession has a long and proud history of personal service to local communities. Carrying on the family tradition is a way of life for us at W.S. Ingham & Son. We are deeply committed to upholding professional standards.
What’s in a Name?
The family business was founded in the 1920’s by Walter Sydney Ingham. The business passed to his son, Gordon Ingham and has remained in the Ingham family throughout the generations. The company is now run by Tony Ingham. This means that when you call us you know who you are dealing with and can rely on the breadth of experience, care and compassion you need at this time.
Personal Pride
When you lose a loved one, it can be comforting to know your Funeral Director. We take every effort to be involved in our community and to create the kind of personal relationship which leads to an individual sensitive service.
Devoted to Families
Large concerns answer to shareholders, we answer to you! In our family business there is no pressure from head office to increase profits. We know our business will do well when we serve you well.